Framer Classic Days 🤍

Experiments in Framer Classic

It's 2022 and yet visiting my old dashboard of Framer Classic prototypes still gives me the most nostalgia. Framer Classic was one of my favorite tools to quickly express ideas and go from static pictures to moving pictures that could be controlled with my fingers.

Over time at Bose, I quickly became adept at solving user interface challenges using Framer. The Framer prototypes I built were widely used for user research testing, usability evaluations and showing off the intended UI behavior to engineers.

Here are some of the experiments I can share publicly. In case you are interested, you can take a look at my Bose Mobile apps work to see even more UI behaviors that I worked on.

What if your lockscreen could show you recommended songs right on the Now Playing widget?

This was a prototype whipped together in early 2017 to demonstrate easy access to either Recommended songs or it could be repurposed to use 6 of your last played Playlists. The goal being with a single swipe, you could quickly switch music without opening the app.

It seemed novel to do this back then. Atleast to me, it did. It's great to see some of the newer apps today (Endel) adopting something very similar.

Back when doing sticky scroll required a little cobbling together.

Another one from the archives. A very common interaction that Bose mobile apps use was a set of nav elements becoming sticky as the user scrolls through. Working directly with the Design Lead, we worked through the finer details of the interaction. 

Conditional Logic to fill up a progress bar

Early on during the making of Bose SleepBuds (tiny buds that you can wear to sleep), the team needed to mock up a behavior where we needed to communicate to a user they would have to remove a certain number of files since the tiny buds only had limited audio files it could hold. 

However, we were unsure static mocks would give us the feedback we were after. This prototype was a proof of concept that we ended up polishing and using for User Research sessions to ensure the Sleepbuds users would feel more confident about managing sounds on their buds.

Going into 3D.

I came up with this idea to use the 3d render of the hardware itself and animate it subtly during the app set up so as to create a little moment of delight as well as to focus user's attention on the animation since the hardware took a little time to boot up. This ended up going nowhere but got a lot of people excited about trying new ideas for the onboarding and setup experience.

The magic here is powered by Emil's brilliant Framer 3D module. This allowed me to import a 3D render file (no color / materials were applied to this model) directly in Framer and animate it.

⚠ Disclaimer - All the views presented here represent my own viewpoint and not necessarily of Bose.

Thank you for visiting this corner of the internet.